Connecting with the Natural World free eBook

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Hello Possums,

I have been working on this book on an off for quite awhile and covid-19 spurred me to finish it and get it out in the world and to make it free.

Observing nature is so grounding and brings me back to the present dozens of times each day.  Nature doesn’t care that I can’t do all the things I’d like to manage, it still shows me things that bring a smile to my face, or a silly grin, or a sense of awe, or a feeling of being part of something so much bigger than myself and my worries.

I am sure it is the same for so many of you, and dear friends, I am grateful that we are part of this big crazy world that is full of beauty and amazing things that bring some respite from all the parts of life that are really hard and uncomfortable.  Noticing the natural world can be as simple as watching the clouds pass out the window or lying in bed learning to identify different bird songs.

The book is laid out in a way that is really accessible if you have a chronic illness and don’t have much energy to focus or read.  Look at the index and click the page you want to read and it will jump down to the page.  Each chapter page has a link to return to the top as well.  So many of the ideas are things you can do at home, even if you are fairly housebound.



My YouTube channel with Gentle Yoga videos

Hello Possums

I have a new YouTube channel with 6 yoga videos.

I challenged myself to record a video every Thursday which I have done 5 weeks in a row.  This week I did two – one is a 10 min pep talk about how you can use mindful movement through your day to increase your circulation if you are spending a lot of time resting or working.

I am missing teaching the couple of gentle classes each week so recording these videos is keeping me moving and thinking about yoga.

Some of my students are watching too which is lovely and my brother has been doing some every day which is one of the things I am most excited about.  He lives interstate so has only got to come to one of my classes- In February actually- one of the last weeks I was teaching.

I would love if you had a look, like and subscribe if you enjoy and got in touch with any feedback or ideas for future videos.

Lots of love
